We come up to this... the break up.. Mee thank you for all you've done for me. Thank you for those moments we shared, thank you for everything. It's worth remembering...and really part of my life. It's  really different from the day you left me.. at first its hard for me to walk-on and wont look back. but i said to myself I need to.. I need to walk-on, to step up, to move-out of this sadness. I hate good-byes...I hate this feeling... cause you need to go.. and through this  I want you to know...the content of my love-letter..


Maybe you ask why I didn't reply , why I don’t just talk to you. Well, the main reason is because I don’t want to mess this up. I’m afraid if we just talk, I’ll miss something and beat myself up on my way home for forgetting. I want to thank you for the things you’ve taught me. When we met, you were so wonderful; everything about you took my breath away. You were quirky and honest and full of life, I couldn’t help but be near you… by the end of that hour... the time, I kissed you and hug you so tight, and say I love you; I hope you remember that. It was the time I fell in love. Thank you for that. I will carry it with me always. Thank you also, for all the late night talks we had. There was always something about the way you listened that made me feel like the only person in the world. It wasn’t always bad between us. I want you to remember that. Thank you for introducing me to your friends. It is the sweetest thing i know... . Thank you for taking an interest in learning about my Character.  Thank you for missing me when I traveled. I always felt loved, even though you never said it.

Mee, you have inspired me to write more, to love more, and sing more, to be more patient and to forgive. I forgive you for making me feel like I wasn’t good enough for you. I forgive you for embarrassing me and make me cry. I forgive you for keeping me at arm’s length and waiting until you had feelings for someone else to talk to me. I forgive you for breaking my heart into a million pieces. Not because I’m better than you, not because I am good but because I’m not angry anymore. You have been the greatest love of my life, thus far; also my greatest disappointment. But even in all of the pain and the hurt, there was growth. I learned to have boundaries, I learned my self-worth was more than you’d allowed. I learned to love out loud. I learned not to wait to share my thoughts and feelings.

I own myself today, because of you. I suppose a part of me will always love you. That’s what’s most amazing about love, isn’t it? There’s no getting it back once you give it away, thank you for being a part of my life, even for just the moments we shared. I will keep you close to my heart and hope you will do the same. Promise me you’ll forgive yourself for your part in the ugly things that have transpired between us, let’s not hang on to the past. I come clean today so I may walk away… I hope you can do the same.


This is what my letter all about, the day that I want to give it to you.. that  was time that you told me about your special friends, the time you've been together, and you feel happiness with him... You know what..? I make revisions of this letter maybe 7 times... until it come to this... I want to be that guy  you talk about that time..I want to be him.. I want to be in his place... But ..it's impossible.. cause it just me.. When I saw the picture of You with Him.. it really breaks my heart.. and ruin every hope i have that.. I can survive the relationship we build..but seems its a dead end...

Sorry for everything I've done... and all those desperation I made.. It's just because.. I LOVE YOU!!